
It’s been some time since we’ve had a film that is a must-see experience in the theater. In terms of sensory impact, Dune is a mighty spectacle. Most cinema-goers are pretty worn and have seen it all, but the scope and sense of scale are awe-inspiring at times. Its imperative people endeavor to see in RPX or IMAX. Denis Villeneuve continues to prove that he is one of the premier directors working in cinema today. Hans Zimmer’s booming score supplements the sense of grandeur.

Narratively, it feels like an appetizer. Not that much ground is covered. There’s a lot of flash forwarding in the plot, with events foretold, so there’s little surprise when it comes later. While it’s refreshing to be allowed to exhale in this cinematic world, it could test the patience of many viewers. I wish also we got to spend more to explore this world entirely. It helps to have some knowledge of Frank Herbert’s series of science fiction novels beforehand.

The acting all around is solid. I’m not the biggest Timothée Chalamet fan, but he looks the part and experiences growth throughout the movie. We’ll see how the actor handles the more significant moments in future films. Oscar Isaac and Rebecca Ferguson were strong as Paul’s parents. Josh Brolin, Javier Bardem, Jason Momoa provide reliable supporting work. Stellan Skarsgård provides memorable Baron Harkonnen, reminiscent of Marlon Brando in Apocalypse Now.

Part 2 is going ahead, and I look forward to seeing what Denis Villeneuve delivers. The only thing that’s missing is the sense of narrative momentum. It’s a peculiar experience to feel satisfied but a little unsatisfied. I can’t deny it’s reason enough to go back to the movie theater again.

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